Our Aircraft

Our club fleet consists of 6 aircraft. All aircraft are rented on a dry basis, i.e., the renting member is responsible for filling the aircraft with full at the conclusion of each flight. The published rates for aircraft may be subject to change without notice. All aircraft require a checkout with a club CFI before reservations will be allowed.

All rates include applicable sales tax.

Piper Cherokee Arrow 28R 

(200 hp) N746B

IFR Certified

Four Seat Configuration

Garmin GNS 430 - GPS/Nav/Comm

Garmin GDL88 ADS-B (In and Out)

3 Blade Hartzell Prop


Reservation checkout privileges require: 

Rate: $120.00 per hour (dry)

N746B Downloads:

Weight and Balance

Operators Handbook

1971 Cessna 172L (180 hp) N4315Q

IFR Certified

Four Seat Configuration

Garmin 430 GPS (WAAS enabled) with moving map

Garmin GTX345 Transponder with ADS-B Out and In interfaced to Garmin 430 (traffic and weather display on the Garmin 430 and/or bluetooth enabled iPad with Foreflight)


Rate: $95.00 per hour (dry)

N4315Q Downloads:

Weight and Balance

Operators Handbook

1972 Cessna 172M (150 hp) N3592Q

Currently rented as a VFR Trainer only; the club will be upgrading the avionics within the next year to have it as another IFR certified aircraft.

Four Seat Configuration

A-30 Encoder

Rate: $90.00 per hour (dry)

N3592Q Downloads (updates coming soon)

Weight and Balance

Operators Handbook (coming soon)

1971 Cessna 172L (150 hp) N7005Q

IFR Certified

Four Seat Configuration

Garmin G-5

Garmin 175

Garmin XPDR

Garmin GDL 82 ADS-B Out

A-30 Encoder

Rate: $90.00 per hour (dry)

N7005Q Downloads

Weight and Balance

Operators Handbook

Cessna 172 (145 hp) N5736T


VFR trainer

Four Seat Configuration

Rate: $80.00 per hour (dry)

N5736T Downloads

Weight and Balance

Operators Handbook

1967 Cherokee 140/160 (160 hp) N4468J

IFR Certified

Four Seat Configuration

Garmin GNC 300 XL GPS with moving map

New paint and interior in 2007

Rate: $95.00 per hour (dry)

N4468J Downloads:

Weight and Balance

Operators Handbook

Central Arkansas Flying Club, Inc.

1100 Hill Farm Road

Bryant, AR 72022

Phone: (501) 776-7212

Phone: (501) 860-8642

Email: FlyCentralAR@gmail.com

Discord: https://discord.gg/GJv8FhBv5W 
